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Supporting People with Dementia to Live at Home

Benefits of Living at Home

Many individuals with dementia find comfort and stability in familiar surroundings:

  • Reassurance: Living in a familiar environment and maintaining routines can promote a sense of security.
  • Independence: With appropriate support, living at home can help maintain independence for longer.

Challenges of Relocation

Relocating can exacerbate confusion and disorientation for people with dementia:

  • Transition Difficulties: Moving to a new environment, such as a family member's home or a care facility, may increase confusion.
  • Benefits of Home: Staying at home offers stability and familiarity, which can mitigate confusion.

Living Alone with Dementia

Guidance on supporting individuals with dementia who live alone:

  • Discussion and Support: Collaborative discussions involving the individual, family, and professionals are essential to address concerns.
  • Practical Support: Despite advancing dementia, there are ways to support independent living at home.
  • Increasing Needs: As dementia progresses, the person living alone will require greater levels of support.

Providing adequate support allows individuals with dementia to maintain their quality of life while living independently at home.