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The Herbert Protocol for Missing Persons


Dealing with a missing loved one or someone in your care can be distressing, especially if they have special needs or dementia.

What is the Herbert Protocol?

Facilitating quick and effective response:

  • Creating a Single Document: Compile comprehensive information about the individual as soon as they come into your care, including a recent photo.
  • Quick Circulation: The document is designed to be quickly circulated to the Police in case the person goes missing.
  • Information Compilation: Fill out the form to the best of your ability, focusing on essential details that can aid in locating the individual.

Using the Form

Guidelines and recommendations for completion:

  • Storage: Keep the completed form easily accessible in the home or care setting, ensuring it is available for immediate use when needed.
  • Data Protection: Adhere to Data Protection regulations when storing the form, whether in electronic or paper format.
  • Emergency Procedure: In case of a missing person, contact emergency services immediately at 999 and inform them about the Herbert Protocol form.

Sections Covered in the Form

Essential sections for comprehensive information:

  • Personal Information
  • Next of Kin Details
  • Doctor's Details
  • Medical Information
  • Places of Interest
  • Hobbies and Interests
  • Travel History
  • GPS Tracking Information
  • Weekly Routine
  • Other Relevant Information
  • Key People in Care or Family Members
  • Care Home Details
  • Form Completion Details

While different versions of the form may exist, they all serve the same purpose across various Police forces and care organisations.